Astrid Gilein
The acquisition of language and factors that could impede the development, have always interested me. In my Bachelor and Master of Linguistics, I focused therefore on cognition and language disorders. Besides these subjects, my research interests are wide and other aspects of language, for example pragmatics and second language acquisition, fascinate me aswell.
In the PedictAble project, I will work under supervision of Prof. Dr. Isabell Wartenburger. I will study the auditory perception of young children. A distinction will be made between children that began early, on-time and late with speaking their first language German. By studying brain activity, I will try to assess the basic auditory perception of acoustic cues, namely pitch, duration and intensity, that are relevant for speech processing for children in general.
Together with Caterina, who will conduct the same research with French children, we will investigate if, and which, differences there are in our findings between the children of the two languages. With that, we can identify general and specific factors for auditory perception.
Prof. Dr. Isabell Wartenburger (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Prof. Judith Gervain (University Paris Descartes, France)