Maria Clemencia Ortiz Barajas

Maria Clemencia Ortiz Barajas

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After obtaining my degree in Electronic Engineering in 2008, I worked in industry for a few years. Then in 2015 I finished a Masters in Biomedical Engineering from a joint program between the Czech Technical University in Prague and Trinity College Dublin. During my Masters I specialized in Neural Engineering, and I worked on the analysis of the neural processing of continuous speech in humans using electroencephalography (EEG). The objective of my master thesis was to explore the feasibility of reconstructing the speech heard by a person, based on the EEG data collected during the listening task.

Currently one of my main research interests is to provide new insights in language processing, and to develop methodologies that will contribute in the study of speech and language disorders. For this reason, during my PhD I will work as part of the PredictAble project on the development of signal processing and data analysis tools that would allow the early identification of language delay in infants.


Prof. Dr. Judith Gervain (University Paris Descartes, France)

Prof. Paavo Leppänen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)